Hello! My name is Jangael and I'm a 17 years old Filipina girl, born and raised in Chicago IL. I currently go to Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center in
Albany Park. This website is going to display my projects I worked on during my time in the Girls Who Code's SIP 2020.
This website will be evident proof of my growing and learning process of exploring my interests in Computer Science, which include
Web Design, Data Scientist, and Coding; I recently explored Cybersecurity but GWC is going to help me expand and express my knowledge of coding.
I hope to go into a career into Computer Science and work for a tech company, meanwhile
diversifying STEM fields by educating children my age. If not, I would also like to be a Child Psychologist and educate the importance of mental health,
especially for POC. Either way, I want to make a positive impact through the work I do and hopefully inspire others to do the same :-)
My other intersts unrelated to Computer Science include: Psychology, Photography, and Graphic Design. Other than academic interests, I love being with my friends, baking, cooking, sleeping, singing, play minecraft, styling outfits, scroll through the internet, and have a good time.
Other than Computer Science, I have been involved in many extracurriculars over the years. I'm in my school's math team as a starter for CCML and ICTM; I earned awards for solo and team competitions.
I'm involved in the arts: I have been in the school's choir as a soprano and the school's drama
program; I earned awards for choir competitions (solo and ensemble) and I was scheduled as Crystal for Little Shop of Horrors (2020) and played Olive's Mom and Ensemble for 25th Annual Putnam
County Spelling Bee (2019). I also do tons of community service: I volunteered for the Chicago Public Library to help with the Summer
Learning Reading Challenge since 2016. I'm 2020-2021 NHS president and Key Club Marketing Officer for my school's chapter.
And I'm part of Northwestern Academy (Cohort '21). I have been told I do too much for one person, but these are all
things I'm dedicated and passionate for over the years.
Follow me onto this journey, where I'm going to go through tons of self discovery as a teenage girl (along with blood, sweat, and tears)! Feel free to reach out to me if there are any questions, comments, or concerns about my projects through my email: jangael.rosales78@girlswhocode.com